Since she is part of the blogosphere at large, Red Dot Diva feels that it is also her civic duty to do a list. Namely - "Red Dot Diva's Geektastic Highlights of 2010".
The "geek" part did not include any gadgets acquired in 2010, however. :(
Red Dot Diva wishes she was able to include an iPhone 4, a snazzy iPad, fancy SLR camera, 3D TV or ultra-portable teleporter in her list. However, since she sold half her blood and part of her liver in order to attend SDCC this year, she was not able to afford these "I ALSO WANTZ!" digital babies. (Any manwich-y generous sponsors out there?? Applications are open.)
One should also note that Red Dot Diva is not a gamer (why not?? ask her when you meet her) and hence, has not X-boxed, Wii-ed and Playstation-ed in any way.
So.. what the frell did Red Dot Diva geek-out over in 2010??
Geek-Out #10 - Handsome Knights at the Round Table in "Merlin"
When "Merlin" - BBC's reboot of the King Arthur and Camelot story - was first aired, Red Dot Diva thought it was somewhat cheesy in some episodes. She still watched it though because it was quite funny and had its moments of brilliance. Plus, it was about Camelot after all!
And there's "Buffy" alumni Anthony Head as rather harsh King of Camelot - Uther Pendragon! Gotta love Tony Head.
In the recently ended Season 3, things moved up a notch and the production had improved by leaps and bounds. The arc on evil Morgana essentially kept the story moving towards Prince Arthur becoming a more mature and formidable King. And in the final episodes, there was finally a scene of the Knights at the Round Table. W00t! Just look at all those yummy men! *nom nom*
With the magical heat turned up for several degrees, Red Dot Diva thinks that Season 4 "Merlin" is going to get really interesting. Can't wait!
Geek-Out #9 - Rediscovering Graphic Novels
As a kid, Red Dot Diva indulged in her weekly Beano and Dandy comics. The corner "mama-shop" near her childhood house would know of her preferences and try to reserve the issues for her. Then, during secondary school, it was Archie comics. After which, she really got into books by Agatha Christie and Arthur Conan Dolye and Jules Verne amongst many others and she's never really looked back on books since.
Comics got quite forgotten in Red Dot Diva's literary world. Red Dot Diva wasn't pretty much a comic superheroes reader either, and still isn't really one.
However, 2010 was Red Dot Diva's re-entry and rediscovery of the graphic novels world. It probably helped that lately, there have been comics that were non-super-heroes but held her interest. Namely those published by indie company, Archaia.
She was brain-warped by the dark, intense storyline of "Syndrome" (written by Daniel Quantz and R.J. Ryan; created by Blake Leibel), which incidentally had a beautiful hardcover packaging that included a kinda-cute half-exposed-brain baby doll cover. The luminous 3D-like art by David Marquez in "Syndrome" was wondrous to behold.
Red Dot Diva was hooked to comics. Again.
The intrigue moved on to Michael McMillian's spy-magickal world of "Lucid" and then even to the "Devil Inside" web comic developed by Todd Stashwick and Dennis Calero. She later also got hold of the very scifi robotic setting of the "24Seven" anthology by Ivan Brandon amongst other writers. She then decided to dip her toes into one of Gail Simone's "Birds of Prey" books and a volume of "Dark Wolverine" which she thoroughly enjoyed. "Dark Wolverine" or Daken might probably become Red Dot Diva's favourite sexy, duplicitous, violent superhuman character.
Will he? Or would be overtaken by someone else? Stay Tuned. ;)
Geek-Out #8 - Hooked on iPhone Game Apps
Oh, those terribly addictive iPhone Game Apps!! Argh.
Red Dot Diva tried to indulge in as few apps as possible. Still, she downloaded "Angry Birds" one day and got addicted to it. The game was really good for venting out Red Dot Diva's work-related frustrations but it consumed so much of her time!
So, she decided to forgo "Angry Birds" to play "Pocket Frogs" and "Words For Friends" instead. "Pocket Frogs" was really pretty to look at and both games allowed a more lax time frame by which one could score points or move forwards to another level.
Hence, these have now remained her current game app addictions.
Red Dot Diva is very wary of the "Gravbot" and "Cut The Rope" game apps in her iPhone. Should she even dare try them?!? eeks.
Geek-Out #7 - Entering The Nerd Machine
The Nerd Machine is a venture started out by actor, Zachary Levi - who plays the cutest nerd-spy of all - Chuck Bartowski from NBC TV series "Chuck".
In real life, open and very charming Zachary loves engaging his fans on Twitter and Facebook. He shares a fair amount of his life with his fans including a huge number of pics from his Europe trip. Zac thinks that everyone geeks out over something, so why not embrace one's Nerdom!
When the website was launched, there were a few T-shirts that one could purchase. Red Dot Diva proudly nerd-ed out and bought one. When her package finally arrived, she tweeted a pic of herself wearing the Nerd tee to Zac.
What ensued was Epic Geek-out on a Zac-RT!
Geek-Out #6 - Taking In the Local Theatre Stage Lights
2010 was a year where it seemed that Red Dot Diva was attending theatre performances almost every couple of months! It was probably the year that she attended the most number of plays, where she absorbed a gamut of different kinds of stage performances - from the fun and localized, to the classic Shakespearean play to the dark and disturbing.
"Chicago" the Broadway musical also returned to Singapore with a mainly Aussie cast, and Red Dot Diva thought it was a splendid production.
The Bridge Project's offering of Shakespeare's "The Tempest" was classy and magical, especially Christian Camargo's (- remember the Ice Truck Killer from "Dexter"?? - ) captivating portrayal of the sprite Ariel.
Then there was SRT's very dark and intensely emotional "Blackbird" and the colourful "Cinderel-Lah!" pantomime by W!ld Rice. But the most memorable play in 2010 has got to be "The Full Monty" - put together by a brand new production company called Pangdemonium.
Gotta give the Pangs (Adrian and Tracie) lots of kudos.
"The Full Monty" was funny, poignant and raucous at the same time. 9 out of 10 Red Dots.
Believe it or not, Red Dot Diva has already booked tickets for 2 plays in 2011! And she will definitely be theatre-geeking out over "Macbeth", which will be SRT's Shakespeare in the Park 2011.
If one is interested in joining Red Dot Diva for this wonderful picnic-and-artsy night out, drop her an email or comment!
Geek-Out #5 - Brain-Twisted By Inception
"Inception" premiered in Red Dot Island the day before Red Dot Diva had to fly off to California for SDCC! Because it was a Chris Nolan movie ( - fangirl gasp - ) and because the trailer looked so super-cool, she *had* to watch it before she hit the skies via Cathay Pacific.
So a midnight movie ticket was hurriedly bought and she sleepily transported herself into a multi-layered dream world just hours before her flight to HK/ Los Angeles.
And what a dream world that was.
Despite its flaws, "Inception" was still the top mindwarped movie of the year. It is a movie that captured imagination and incited water-cooler discussion for weeks - regardless if one loved it or hated it. And how could one ever keep their eyes off sexy, panther-ish Tom Hardy??! Or not slightly trip over the zero gravity sequence with Joseph Gordon-Levitt? And then ponder about the spinning top scene at the end of the movie for days?
Generally, the movie also made Red Dot Diva wish that she will soon be able to perform inception on some very choice people on her list. *g*
Geek-Out #4 - Getting To Know Christopher Dallman
Red Dot Diva cannot fully express how much fan-affection she has for indie musician, Christopher Dallman. She expectedly stumbled upon Christopher and his music via the ZQ-way. But after a year or so of tweets and social-networking with this gentle talented soul, Christopher has secured a special place in her musical heart.
When Red Dot Diva and friends, @_mriel and @eserei27 were heading to LA for a few days, she asked Christopher if he had any intention to play 'live' during that time. Even though he had originally not intended to perform for any more LA dates, Christopher secured a gig date at Hotel Cafe on the Monday the group was in LA!
Listening to Christopher 'live' was one the most surreal, soul-enriching experience ever in 2010. Meeting him in person is double even that. Quietly handsome, open, genuine and so very likeable, Red Dot Diva is glad to made a more than fan-like connection with him despite their sheer geographical distance.
With kick-ass talent, good looks and a warm heart, how can she not geek-out and fan-girl over this man?? Seriously!
(Red Dot Diva also helps to maintain a fan blog for Christopher Dallman called the CDC. Check it out! Also, go have a listen to Christopher's music at his official website!)
Geek-Out #3 - Meeting friends at San Diego Comic Con
It goes unsaid that one heads to San Diego Comic Con mostly to imbibe in all the crazy-busy pop-culture events that are insanely scheduled in those 4 days. Panels, premieres, talks, autograph-signings, anime screenings... the list goes on!
SDCC is also the place where one could meet the celebrity or comic creator of your heart's desire.
Red Dot Diva did the crazy early morning queues for popular panels like "White Collar" and "Chuck" plus grabbed the opportunity to meet some celebs. She was extremely delighted to meet "Heroes" folks like Tim Kring, David H. Lawrence, Todd Stashwick and "True Blood" actor Michael McMillian.
It was also a highlight to finally meet the Archaia folks - Mel Caylo and Stephen Christie as well as the creators of the "Syndrome" graphic novel! Red Dot Diva also had comic legend Neal Adams and his sons sign their sketch book that she bought.
However, the biggest highlight (other than another key event, which Red Dot Diva shall write more about later) and most memorable parts of the SDCC weekend were meeting and hanging out with her like-minded hotel roomies and friends.
They bonded over long hours of car rides and waiting in lines during the convention. They also took long walks to hunt for dinner noms as well as urgently looked for a useable ladies lavatory along the boardwalk in the middle of the night. They enjoyed the view of some fireworks over the marina, and there was even some pervy tickling that took place on a hotel bed. Heh heh.
It was sooooo great to finally meet the many online friends who had the same love for comics or pop-culture or a certain TV series or celebrity. Being a pop-culture geek suddenly became a cosy group activity.
SDCC wouldn't have been this fun if these lovelies weren't there for Red Dot Diva to share it with!! So Very Special Mushy Hugs to @_mriel, @eserei27, @HardlyanAngel, @beckyb731, @deedee9378 and @RealfastTlkr!
Geek-Out #2 - Media Pass and Making Connections at STGCC
When she opened that epic email two weeks before STGCC, Red Dot Diva nearly jumped around her office with joy. A Media Pass! A Media Pass!
Not only was it her wish to have the chance to hone her interviewing skills, she also desired to improve her blog-writing and online content. This was a really RARE chance to meet a bunch of popular comic creators in one place.
Red Dot Diva was not disappointed and was practically over the moon after making so many lovely connections that weekend! The post-STGCC buzz is still vibrating!
Prior to the convention, she met a stunning Finnish attendee and visitor, Yasmin. Red Dot Diva and Yasmin bonded almost instantly! She could almost call her a long-lost sister. After which, they both met the group of very nice folks from GnB Comics. It was then, that they also first met STGCC guest David Lloyd and Ivan Brandon at a more informal setting.
And then, during the convention, it was heart-warming to meet so many gracious STGCC guests from the Marvel and DC Comics. Red Dot Diva's soul - despite her severe lack of sleep for almost 9 days - sung in the most soul-enriching way that weekend. To connect with and learn from these down-to-earth and warm creative people was like a pop-culture ecstasy high.
Dear C.B. Cebulski, Gail Simone, Matt Fraction, Ivan Brandon, David Lloyd, Phil Ortiz, Harvey Tolibao and so many many others - You Guys Rock!
Special mention also goes out to the charming local geeks and geekette whom she later met during the convention too. Red Dot Diva not so geekily lonely in Red Dot Island now. ;)
And now.... the ...
TOP GEEK-OUT FOR 2010 - Doing Zachary Quinto Twice In One Day
When it was announced that bb Zachary Quinto was going to be in two SDCC panels on the same day, Red Dot Diva knew that this called for ultimate strategic planning and stamina.
So, Red Dot Diva plotted and planned their already tightly packed SDCC schedule. For a few of them, it was imperative that they attended both panels!
In the first, Zach was a moderator for Tim Kring's introduction to his new book series entitled "Shift". The second was a Before The Door (Zach's production company)/ Archaia/ Michael McMillian panel focused on the launch of the "Lucid" comic.
Thanks to reliable, good friends, Red Dot Diva managed to attend the morning's "Caprica" panel (something she really wanted to do), then got first row seats to ogle at Zach's scruffily handsome mug for the first panel. After which, they all dashed - heavy bags and all - across the convention hall to the room where the second panel was held, and secured the fourth seating row.
By then, Red Dot Diva skipped out to look for "Heroes" actor and her favourite Puppet Master, D.H. Lawrence at the autograph signing booths, before hurriedly dashing back in good time for Zach's second appearance!
![]() |
ZQ in Panel 1 and Panel 2 |
Red Dot Diva has done Zachary Quinto twice in one day.
There should be a T-shirt to commemorate this momentous event. ;)
It is 2011 now in Singapore!!
Personally, Red Dot Diva hopes she'll be able to find a more satisfying new job. But even more so, she wants to further up her geek ante in an even more Island Diva-ish fashion. And make even stronger connections with friends and positive, interested folks in the pop-culture arena.
To everyone out there, Red Dot Diva sends out the heartiest wishes and hopes that 2011 brings them all that they truly desire.
(Note: Classily pervy greetings would have to be specially requested.) :D
Extra note: Red Dot Diva is also happy to have met these special folks (in real life or online) - Lance Mazmanian, Dennis Calero, Robbie Consing, Chandler Poling, R.J. Ryan, David Marquez, Mel Caylo and Stephen Christy.
... always a joy to check out Red Dot Diva! great job! HAPPY NEW YEAR =)