Even the Red Dot Island weather cooperated with this year's FCBD. It was not typically humid, with just the right mix of sunshine and cool breeze, making it perfect for a comic book hunt.
To kick-off FCBD 2012, Red Dot Diva dragged herself out of bed bright and early (although not as early as some, so she heard!!) at about 8 am. She stopped by at Bugis Junction's Toastbox for a much needed caffeine infusion with fellow geeks, Ryan (from Steel Reviews) and Melvin (a frequent contributor for HereBeGeeks), before they headed to GnB Comics nearby.
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The crowded store |
It was barely even 20 minutes after the shop was officially opened for business and it was already packed to the brim! The two special guests, Nicola Scott and Ardian Syaf, were already settled in nicely and busy signing for the hoard of fans eager to meet them in person.
As usual, the free FCBD 2012 stuff was right at the back of the shop, and it took awhile for Red Dot Diva's to get to them. The shop was small and there was not much space to negotiate one self around.
While waiting in line, she spotted an X-Files comic at the "free old comics stack" and immediately grabbed that collectible. Mine! Red Dot Diva + X-Files = TrustNo1 Kind of Love. From this year's FCBD releases, Red Dot Diva managed to get five comics from GnB - Buffy, Witchblade, Serenity (this had an awesome cover artwork with a very close likeness of Nathan Fillion!), Spiderman and Avengers.
Despite the number of people inside the shop, the line for the artist signings moved pretty smoothly and quickly. Fans would get to meet Ardian Syaf first before moving along to Nicola Scott. As she approached the table, Red Dot Diva said a quick warm hello to the soft-spoken Ardian, whom she had already met at last year's STGCC.
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Mini Supergirl meets Nicola |
Nicola, who was dressed in an eye-catching red polka-dotted top and denims, and an interesting matching red star pendant looked really very pretty. And she was also friendly and very approachable. Her quick sketch for the fans was an interesting squiggly half-face profile of Wonder Woman.
As the line was quite long, Red Dot Diva did not want to take up too much of her time by asking nosy questions, so she just requested for Nicola to sign a Wonder Woman art print and "Secret Six" book. However, Red Dot Diva did manage to get a special thank you video from Nicola for all the fans out there.
Check it out here!
Wasn't that lovely?
Meeting Nicola was unfortunately very brief due to the shop's crowded condition, but Red Dot Diva was still happy to have her. It sure made an awesome start to FCBD 2012.
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Diva and Nicola Scott. YAYY! |
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Still Squeeing over the signed stuff by Nicola |
Both Ardian and Nicola made an appearance The Cathay later in the evening. They were there meeting more fans and doing signings. Red Dot Diva heard that Captain America came by to check things out too!
Curious about what happened at The Cathay? Go LIKE GnB comics FB page to scope out the pics.
Now, Red Dot Diva's hunt for Free Comic Books did not end at GnB's store. Her adventures included a scouting trip around Orchard Road at Kinokuniya, Harris Planerds and Paradigm Infinitum, with a nice round-up at Invasion! Toys & Collectibles!
Curious to know what happened? Stay tuned for her next blog post coming up soon!
Did you have fun at yesterday's FCBD 2012?
Share your experiences and pics on the FCBD Singapore FB page to keep the love for comics going strong!
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