Saturday, December 14, 2024
The Hitman And The Assassin - A Singapore-UK Action Short Film Premiering Internationally 19 Jan 2025
Forget about Bridgerton and Downton Abbey. It is time to watch something different by leaping right into an action-packed SG-UK short film collaboration entitled “The Hitman And The Assassin”. The action film which was directed by William Axtell, stars UK action actor Colin Squire and Red Dot Island’s own action actor and film-maker, Jonathan Cheong.
Colin Squire, also the producer of the film, fell in love with action movies when he was a young child. From then on, Colin learned and tried different kinds of martial arts, including karate, kickboxing and taekwondo. His foray into acting came by when he took a workshop by British action star Mark Strange during the pandemic lockdown. When the lockdown was lifted, Colin was given the chance to star in a couple of Mark Strange's short action films, including “Combat Zone”. “Combat Zone” went on to win a string of awards at film festivals.
8 years ago, local actor Jonathan Cheong started out Raging Fire Productions, with a vision to uplift genre films in Red Dot Island. Inspired by his idol and role model Donnie Yen, Jonathan strives to produce realistic fight sequences coupled with engaging story-telling. To date, Jonathan has worked on several movies, short films, TV shows, promotional gigs, web series and more. Some of these titles include the celebrated “Star Wars fan film Legend Of Hope: A Star Wars Fan Film” (2020), awrd-winning “Bullet For Vengeance” (2023) and a memorable role as Bearded Man in Kuman Films' viral dystopian movie “Pendatang”. For most of these own productions, Jonathan provides the choreography for the action sequences .
After meeting at the Fighting Spirit Film Festival last year, Colin and Jonathan bonded over their passion about action movies and discussed about doing a short film together. The result is a fun (and also, funny) action short film where a Singaporean Assassin bids for the same victim as a Brit Hitman. Will they end up eliminating each other? Or will they become deadly frenemies?
“The Hitman And The Assassin marks the first time I'm part of a project in the West,” says Jonathan Cheong. “What's fun and unique is that I'm not playing an English but rather a Singaporean Hitman that happens to somehow be on the soil of England. And it just so happens that another local Assassin is there to do his job!
The film may seem to be really simple and direct, but it sets up alot of potentials for the future sequels to come! What's another interesting aspect is in the title itself. The Hitman and the Assassin! The film literally plays the stereotype we think of in movies of which the Hitman being better dressed than an Assassin! There is alot of humor but really intense action scenes coupled with!”
Colin Squire added, “The Hitman And The Assassin gave me a huge opportunity to learn and work with the talented Jonathan Cheong, and brilliant Will Axtell. Jonathan approached me with a great first concept which was a bit more serious but it soon evolved naturally in to a shorter action comedy with I believe turned out for the best.
The story has been done many times, but I think our fun, short film has some great action sequences and has laid the foundations for all of the three characters to evolve. Ben created a fun character spontaneously because in the original version he was not even meant to talk, if the opportunity allows us it will be interesting to see how the Hitman and the Assassin's relationship grow.”
“The Hitman And The Assassin” premiered at Bristol’s Forbidden Worlds Film Festival. Even though the film did not win an award in that festival, it garnered several awards in other notable film festivals in 2024. These awards include Best Action and Best Poster at No Country For Old Film Festival, Best Action Short at Paris Film Awards, and Best Poster and Best Comedy Action at International Film Festival.
Look out for the film as it is set to premiere internationally on director Will Axtell’s Youtube channel on 19 January 2025.
Colin Squire and Jonathan Cheong will also be appearing as special guests of the next Live With Red Dot Diva happening this Sunday (15 December 2024), at 11 PM SGT (3 PM GMT) on Red Dot Diva’s Facebook Page and Youtube channel. Join in to catch clips from the movie, chat with the actors and you get the chance ask them questions about the action film industry.
If you enjoy Red Dot Diva's content, feel free to help her efforts going by showing your support through ko-fi. Thank you!
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
SG ToyCon 2024 - Toy and Collectors Show Returns To Leisure Park Kallang from 13 to 15 December 2024
The eclectic SG Toy Con, is back at Leisure Park Kallang from 13 to 15 December 2024 (Friday to Sunday). The event organised by respected local brand Masterpiece Collectibles, focuses mainly on exhibitors who deal with mainly miniature toy models. Last year, the show expanded to included global toy licensee Yolopark, Hong Kong toy company threezero, and indie booths dealing in designer toys, Gundam model kits, and other kinds of toy collectibles.
It is a delightful collectibles market to visit especially if you are in need to getting that last minute festive gift for a loved one or friend. Expect to throw your hard-earned SG dollars at these exhibitors at the upcoming SG Toy Con 2024:
* Masterpiece Collectibles - the hobby company specialises in creating Singapore scale models, like our beloved buses and MRTs, as well as fire engines and police cars. They also make accompanying miniature replica figurines of fire fighters and bus captains to accompany these miniature vehicles. Their limited edition pieces sell out super quickly, so don't miss out the news on their releases at SG Toy Con 2024!
* Automodels - diecast model retailer and distributor offering a range of products like cool designs of cars, military vehicles, buses and more! You can check out the 1/72 scale F-15SG Eagle model which was made to commemorate 55 years of RSAF.
* Dream Customs - a company specialising in 1/64 scale custom desktop diorama mats like Singapore roads, bus interchanges and carpark mats. There also offer diorama mats of Japanese carparks, and display cases that emulate places like the HK Cross-Harbour tunnel. For this year's show, Dream Customs will be introducing their 1:1110 scale SG Bus Stop #1.
* She Love Cars - the official distributor for Pop Race returns to this year's show. They will also be offering other brands of diecast models, including Hot Wheels.
* Finute - leading local metaverse company who is sponsoring the virtual roleplay game on Roblox, Singverse. Players in the game can drive the virtual replica of the SG Toycon 2024 bus!
* Jiezuo Model Toy Company - the popular online retailer on Taobao will be at this year's show showing off their toy products.
* Happibox - blind boxes galore for those who love collecting variants of cute figurines and designer toys. Yes, they have the popular Monday Bruce rabbit collectibles too!
* Project Blue Beyond - calling Gundam collectors out there. This is the booth to look out for at the convention if you are looking for more toys to add to your collection.
* Zack Studio - You may know them because of their fantastic 3D prints. This year, Zack Studio is offering even more goodies. if you want a mini bus collectible with your very own unique and customised advertisements added to the body, go look for these folks!
One thing to note for fans who have attended the show in the past, there will be no VIP passes or goodie bags this year. However, the event remains free to attend.
The organisers have also planned for 2 lucky draws each day at 2 PM and 6 PM on stage. Check out the information below on the eligibility and prizes for the draw.
Don't miss more information about SG Toy Con 2024, as announcements are currently being rolled out till doors open this Friday. Follow SG Toy Con on Facebook and Instagram.
If you enjoy my content, feel free to help keep the blog and other Red Dot Diva endeavours going via ko-fi. Thank you for your support!
Friday, December 6, 2024
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) - Interview With Comic Book Legend Joe Rubinstein
Josef “Joe” Rubinstein is a comic book legend who has inked a multitude of characters. He has also worked with all of the major comic book publishers.
When he knew he had fallen deeply in love with comics, Joe considered Neal Adams to be his main idol. At age 13, he managed to work in Continuity Studios running errands. Continuity Studios is a studio started by Neal Adams and Dick Giordano that focused primarily on comic-based products. He caught the attention of Dick Giordano and was mentored by him during his early years working on comic books. A few years later, at about age 17, he got his first professional comic book gig. Comic book lovers will also be familiar with Joe's acclaimed ink work in Marvel Comics’ “The Official Handbook of the Marvel Universe” as well as the 1982 four-issue Wolverine miniseries by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller. So as you can see, Joe has been in the business for a very, very long time.
At Singapore Comic Con (SGCC) 2024, Joe Rubinstein will be making an appearance as a special guest of Fat Snake Comics. He is eager to meet and interact the local and regional fans, so do not miss the opportunity to visit Booth L1-AA218, and give him a warm welcome, Red Dot Island-style!
Even though Joe has a very busy schedule, he found the time to answer Red Dot Diva's nosy questions. Thank you so much, Joe!
Red Dot Diva: Your extensive portfolio acquired throughout the years, like X-Men, Wolverine, Star Wars, Action comics, X-files, etc, is the who's who list of pop-culture's greatest works. Which franchise(s) is/ are your favourite(s)?
Joe: I really like all the versions of the JLA. They are well drawn with a mix of funny and drama.
Red Dot Diva: Comic book readers may be more familiar with your inks, but you also showcase fantastic oil paintings and portraits on your social media. Would you consider doing a project with your oil paints or maybe a creator owned work, if the opportunity presents itself?
Joe: Absolutely. I would love to collaborate with a creator and paint some paintings. It would be a lot of work, but I'd consider it. I'm just waiting to be asked.
Red Dot Diva: Which character would you have liked to have worked on but have not had the chance to do so yet?
Joe: I loved James Robinson's SANDMAN, but I never worked on it.
Red Dot Diva: As an industry veteran, has comics writing / creation changed in recent times, and how so? In your opinion, is it for the better? Or for worse?
Joe: It looks like a lot of comics are all created digitally. I would hate for the old-school art skills to be lost. I still ink with a brushes and nibs. And I still take classes in painting so I am always learning and improving.
Red Dot Diva: Having been an industry veteran, what are the key qualities that help a creator enjoy a long lasting career doing comics or related projects?
Joe: Be good at what you do. Take classes. Practice. And then get lucky with a gig that turns into a career defining legacy.
Red Dot Diva: Have you visited Singapore before? What are you looking forward to most while you are here as a guest of Singapore Comic Con?
Joe: It was an honor to be invited. Thank you Eric Chong for hosting me on this trip. I am looking forward to meeting the comic fans in Singapore and seeing if their interests are the same as fans in the US. After the con, I hope to stop into an art museum or just tour through the city.
Meet your favourite comic book creators and artists, including Joe Rubinstein at Fat Snake Comics/ Pink Ponk Comics - SGCC 2024 at Booth L1-AA218.
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) - Meet Comic Book Guests Like Mike Zeck, Michael Gaydos, Ram V and Giuseppe Camuncoli
(Update: Francesco Manna, Michael Gaydos, OSHRed, Sean Phillips and Jacob Philipps will no longer be attending as guests for SGCC 2024)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Meet The Monster Bunnies By Raven Collectibles (L1-AA201)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Genforcer Is All Ready to Protecc You! ( L1-AA180-181)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Merthewiz and Rhinomee Return With New Merchandise (L1-AA174)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Delight In Rachel Tan-Hwee's (RattanHwee) Colourful and Whimsical Art (L1-AA95)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Artist Highlight - Marvel At Rudy Ao's Photo Realistic Artwork (L1-AA218, Fat Snake Comics)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Meet Eric Chong, Avid Comic Collector And Owner Of Fat Snake Comics
If you enjoy Red Dot Diva's content, feel free to help her efforts going by showing your support through ko-fi. Thank you!
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Meet Eric Chong, Avid Comic Collector And Owner Of Fat Snake Comics
Local comic book fans are already familiar with Pink Ponk Comics, located at a cosy corner of Katong Plaza. One of the owners of Pink Ponk Comics is Eric Chong, an avid collector of comic books who grew up reading stories in that medium. Curious about what specific comicsEric has in his collection? You can gawk at his amazing and valuable comic book collection at this 2021video by Straits Times. Oh, one more thing - you might also know him as one of the co-creators of beloved local comic book character, Mr Kiasu.
Pink Ponk Comics has been making their presence felt at Singapore Comic Con (SGCC) - Red Dot Island's largest pop-culture event of the year. Their booth at past events had featured a number of overseas and regional comic book artists, like Ivan Tao, Marco Santucci, Emma Wu and Maria Laura Sanapo, providing fans with ample opportunities to meet their favourite illustrators.
This year, Pink Ponk Comics' involvement at SGCC will be through Fat Snake Comics (FSC), a new company also owned by Eric Chong. On their SGCC 2024 guest list are the veteran comic book creators Mike Zeck and Joe Rubinstein, as well as Rudy Nurdiawan (aka Rudy Ao) and Roland Amago.
Despite the rush to prepare for SGCC 2024 this weekend, Red Dot Diva managed to steal a few precious minutes of Eric Chong's time for a quick Q&A:
Red Dot Diva: You already own a local and well loved comic book store called Pink Ponk? Why did you start up Fat Snake Comics?
Eric: I guess it is God's Calling. After the passing of my beloved Mother in July 2024, I felt a spirit telling me to setup an online comics store, and I decided to name it Fat Snake Comics. My mother was born in the Year of the Snake and she was, you could say, overly chubby. My Dad always teased her about her weight, and so I decided to call the store Fat Snake Comics in memory of her.
The setting up of FSC will not only serve the local and regional comic communities on a separate platform, but more importantly, Fat Snake Comics will allow me and my siblings to remember and honor our Mum, who has sacrificed so much to care and love us unconditionally and against all odds.
Red Dot Diva: Thanks for sharing this. It's really touching.
Red Dot Diva: How is it like to own a comic book store?
Eric: The feeling is priceless. It has been my childhood dream to own a comic book shop, since I am someone who frequents so many comics shops, both local and foreign. I always feel great walking into a comics shop, as I can meet up with other comic book nerds, and to buy and sell comics. The feeling of owning one is even better. I have so many beautiful comics around me, which makes me extremely happy, and it helps take away all the worries and stress in life.
Eric meets Joe Rubinsten at NYCC 2024 |
Red Dot Diva: What has your experience been like working with veteran guests (e.g. Mike Zeck, Joe Rubinstein) for a big show like SGCC?
Eric: It is my honour that both Mike Zeck and Joe Rubinstein have agreed to be guests at Fat Snake Comics' booth. Initially I was a bit nervous, because I am speaking to two highly respectable and top level artist in the comics industry. But, when I spoke to them, negotiating about the terms and conditions of their agreements, I soon discovered that that they were both of them very nice, humble and easy to work with.
Both Mike Zeck and Joe Rubinstein are very passionate and proud of their works but they are not arrogant at all. They are thoughtful and so kind to me. I suggested that they should be specified "break times" for them during the show, but they insisted on spending more time at their respective booths so the fans will not miss them and for them to mingle with the fans. Now that is what I call "Very Pro", lor. Respect!
Red Dot Diva: Oh gosh. I cannot wait to meet them this weekend. My heart warms up hearing you speak about how they are like. I've met a few big time comic book pros myself and 99% are absolutely lovely, kind people, and you come away from the experience on an absolute high!
Red Dot Diva: What do you aspire to achieve with Fat Snake comics at SGCC and beyond?
Eric: Firstly, I hope that FSC and her guests will have a fun-filled and successful show, just like back in 2022 and 2023.
I am blessed to be able to travel to comic cons each year in USA, and the opportunity to meet most of my childhood favourite writers and artists. My heart skipped a beat when I got to shake Frank Miller's hand. For my fellow comic books kakis who are not able to do the same, I hope through FSC, they will be able to meet and talk to their favourite writers and artists here at SGCC.
I hope SGCC 2024 would allow more people to know about the new online comics book store, Fat Snake Comics. The store is not just about buying and selling comics or arts; it also has a vision of revitalising the local comics market and community through shows like SGCC and other events similar events. It is my hope that the fans and collectors will appreciate and support FSC's vision, so that everyone will benefit in the end, as FSC will be able to keep bringing in top writers and artists, both local and foreign, and together, we can make collecting comics and art a joy.
Red Dot Diva: This sounds ambitious, but absolutely lovely. Comic books are for everyone. It is such a special medium that fuses text and images, and I too hope that more people would enjoy the myriad of stories told in this form through FSC's initiatives. See you at SGCC this weekend!
Meet your favourite comic book creators and artists at Pink Ponk Comics/ Fat Snake Comics' SGCC 2024 booth at Booth L1-AA218.
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) - Meet Comic Book Guests Like Mike Zeck, Michael Gaydos, Ram V and Giuseppe Camuncoli
(Update: Francesco Manna, Michael Gaydos, OSHRed, Sean Phillipes and Jacob Philipps will no longer be attending as guests for SGCC 2024)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Meet The Monster Bunnies By Raven Collectibles (L1-AA201)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Genforcer Is All Ready to Protecc You! ( L1-AA180-181)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Merthewiz and Rhinomee Return With New Merchandise (L1-AA174)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Delight In Rachel Tan-Hwee's (RattanHwee) Colourful and Whimsical Art (L1-AA95)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Artist Highlight - Marvel At Rudy Ao's Photo Realistic Artwork (L1-AA218, Fat Snake Comics)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) - Interview With Comic Book Legend Joe Rubinstein
If you enjoy Red Dot Diva's content, feel free to help her efforts going by showing your support through ko-fi. Thank you!
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Artist Highlight - Marvel At Rudy Ao's Photo Realistic Artwork (L1-AA218, Fat Snake Comics)
If you are not familiar with Indonesian artist Rudy Nurdiawan's (aka Rudy Ao) portfolio, you might think that his photo realistic pieces of superheroes and movie characters are AI-generated. You can rest assured that Rudy Ao is the real deal. He draws and paints his portraits by hand using different oils, acrylic paints, copic airbrush markers and pencils.
In the 2010s, when Rudy was living in Singapore, Red Dot Diva would bump into him at various comic book fan meet ups and art shows. It was hypnotising just to watch him draw his amazingly detailed sketches and commissions on site. You will have the chance to see him work too at Singapore Comic Convention (SGCC) 2024. Rudy is a guest of the pop-culture convention, and will be hosted by Pink Ponk Comics/ Fat Snake Comics.
As Red Dot Diva was preparing for this pre-SGCC interview with Rudy, she found an older article of a Q&A with the artist circa 2011. Click here to read more about Rudy's artistic background. She also reminisced about the time Rudy drew for her a commission of naked Wolverine in Hugh Jackman form. Hahaha. The art print still sits right beside her work desk for mental stimulation.
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Rudy, Red Dot Diva and Nekkid Wolverine |
Before Red Dot Diva and her friends get to reunite with Rudy Ao this weekend, here is a new interview with the man himself:
Red Dot Diva: Hey Rudy! It has been so long (over a decade?) since you have returned to Singapore as a guest for an event. We miss you! I know it’s been many years, but what have you been doing since you returned to Bali? And, what do you miss most about Singapore?
Rudy: Yes! It has been a long long time! I miss hanging out with so many of you. I went back to Bali in 2012, I worked in architectural company while continuing to do comic covers and commissions. I quit that job in 2013, and decided to be a full time professional artist. What I miss most about Singapore is the food! And somehow, strangely enough, I miss Orchard Road too.
Red Dot Diva: Your artwork and portraits are so life-like and detailed, what does it take for someone to be able to pick up the nuances and unique features of each individual’s faces and their attitude?
Rudy: First of all, you must love and enjoy drawing faces and bodies. Everyone has their unique physical features, especially their faces, and I found this aspect the most interesting about people. Since I was young, I loved drawing portraits of my family and friends. Drew Struzan, who is well known for his photo realism art style, is one of my main artistic inspirations. Throughout my career, I continue to practise and drawing different subjects, especially comic book characters based on the movies or TV shows, so that I can nail their characteristic looks. But, as I said, you really really have to love drawing portraits!
Red Dot Diva: Having been a professional artist for many years, how do you keep the craft emotionally and creatively interesting to yourself?
Rudy: You always have to keep practising and finding new ideas. This is the era of the internet, and you can easily find a treasure of information online. Before the internet, I will frequent bookstores to browse and buy various artbooks. It wasn't easy to physically find a good artbook as reference. Now, it is so much easier to find them on the internet, and these references continue to inspire me to try new things on my artwork.
Red Dot Diva: Name one or two movies that are still your top favourites.
Rudy: I love Marvel's The Avengers movies. It was amazing to see your favourite characters that you have been drawing and seeing on paper come alive in the live action movies. And, any Batman movie. After watching a Batman movie, I am always inspired to draw more of him. He is so iconic and cool, and with his trademark costume, he looks dynamic in most poses.
Red Dot Diva: Going into the business side of things, as an artist, how do you continue being successful financially?
Rudy: Try to do the best that you can do, that is giving your best effort. When you are going full time in this field, it is also good to have a manager to help with the business side of things and helping you get more opportunities. There are always going to be different kinds of opportunities, and you would have to accept the projects after weight the pros and cons, as well as how you might enjoy doing it
Red Dot Diva: What are some practical advice you can offer to young aspiring artists who are just getting started in the "real world"?
Rudy: I am a believer that you have to truly love what you do. It's the start of the journey. After that, you have to continue to be curious... to keep learning and be open to new ideas and techniques. And to never stop practising!
Red Dot Diva: What are some of the first things you will be doing when you touch down in Singapore?
Rudy: I am really craving for fish soup noodles with milk! I have been dreaming of the taste of that dish.
Red Dot Diva: What can we expect from your booth at SGCC 2024?
Rudy: I am happy that Pink Ponk Comics/ Fat Snake Comics invited me to be at their booth. I am open and ready for any commission, signings, sketches. And I will also be showcasing how I use draw portraits with oils and acrylic. So, come look for me!
Red Dot Diva: It'd be so lovely to see you draw live again, Rudy. I still have the precious art print of nekkid Wolverine right by my study desk that I got from you back in 2014. See you soon!
Visit Pink Ponk Comics/ Fat Snake Comics' SGCC 2024 booth and marvel at Rudy Ao's photorealistic art pieces of your favourite comic book and pop culture characters. You can find him at Booth L1-AA218.
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) - Meet Comic Book Guests Like Mike Zeck, Michael Gaydos, Ram V and Giuseppe Camuncoli
(Update: Francesco Manna, Michael Gaydos, OSHRed will no longer be attending as guests for SGCC 2024)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Meet The Monster Bunnies By Raven Collectibles (L1-AA201)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Genforcer Is All Ready to Protecc You! ( L1-AA180-181)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Merthewiz and Rhinomee Return With New Merchandise (L1-AA174)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Delight In Rachel Tan-Hwee's (RattanHwee) Colourful and Whimsical Art (L1-AA95)
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) Booth Highlight - Meet Eric Chong, Avid Comic Collector And Owner Of Fat Snake Comics
Singapore Comic Con 2024 (SGCC) - Interview With Comic Book Legend Joe Rubinstein
If you enjoy Red Dot Diva's content, feel free to help her efforts going by showing your support through ko-fi. Thank you!
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