Monday, August 29, 2016

STGCC 2016: Something Fishy Is Going On with Mame Moyashi

There's nothing that most Red Dot Islanders like more than scrumptious seafood. Hence, there's no stoppin' art lovers and collectors in getting their hands on the fishy and crabby concoctions created by Japanese toy designer Mame Moyashi.

Mame Moyashi is a designer toy chowder consisting of the twisted brain sauces of three artists - Producer Clinton Kenny, Designer Chino Lam and Sculptor Seanjob. The trio will be exhibiting for the first time at STGCC 2016, and Red Dot Diva's Glam Bloggers Alliance geek bro, Ed from Toys-etc, managed to bait them for a quick Q&A.


STGCC 2016: Spotlight on Mame Moyashi

toysetc: Mame Moyashi is a trio. How did you come up with the name and what does it mean?
MM: The full name should be Mame Moyashi Shacho. In Japanese, Mame Moyashi means Little Beans and for anyone who watches enough anime, Shacho is the respectful term for Chairman. It might seem like it came from the idea of how small we are as a company but we produce toys that are big in the wow factor, but no, it's just for fun

toysetc: Well, your toys are indeed packing punches. All of them revolves around food and in particular, sashimi. There's Maguro (tuna), Badass (lobster) and also the 2 new figures Tako and what seems like to be a stack of Uni. Can you tell us more about these food kaiju?
MM: You got Tako right. The other should be Awabi. LOL. We are not aware of the food production chain and beyond the slices on the plate, most people have never seen before a complete tuna. I wanted to start a conversation, especially for sushi-eating folks so Maguro was born - head + sashimi + tail. This is the fish.

toysetc: So, are they making the ultimate culinary sacrifice or coming back from revenge?
MM: Neither. As much as there is an embedded commentary, we are creating a universe for them. Clearly Badass is the evil boss, and Maguro hides from him.

toysetc: From the sound of it, it looks like it's going to be some great comedy. I can't wait for you to reveal more of the backstory. Now, if there are no limitations, what is the perfect toy you would make?
MM: I would like to have a toy imbued with a soul, to make it come alive.

toysetc: Thank you very much for your time. Is there anything you would like to say to Singapore? :)
MM: Singapore is a great country and I've heard people are very kind. Please let me move there!

Mame Moyashi will be offering the exclusive extra fresh, pinkish Magura (see pic above) at Booth AA-51, *only* during STGCC. There will be no online sales for this special Magura, so if toy sashimi is your thing, grab it quick at the convention!


This article was originally posted in Ed's own website, Toys-etc!


The Glam Bloggers Alliance - a collaboration of four geeks - Red Dot Diva, Ed from Toys-etc, Agent W and Andre aka Mr Million Dollar Smile - will be back at STGCC 2016 being busybodies checking out the guests, exhibitors, cosplayers and all forms of biceps during the convention.

Both Red Dot Diva and Toys-etc blogs are also proud to continue their Supporting Blog status with STGCC.

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